SCHIEDSRICHTERREGISTRIERUNG für Göteborg Basketball Festival 2025

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Lesen Sie die Teilnahmebedingungen durch und bestätigen Sie diese anschließend unten. Ihre Zustimmung ist erforderlich, um mit Ihrer Anmeldung fortzufahren.

Please carefully review the agreement presented below and provide your acceptance, as it is a prerequisite to proceed with your registration.

General information
Göteborg Basketball Festival is a broad tournament for club teams. During Göteborg Basketball Festival 2023, 1846 games were conducted in total, including all from Easy Basket, youth class, as well as the 20+ and 40+ classes.
All selected referees will referee Göteborg Basketball Festival mostly Thursday to Saturday. Saturday and Sunday, the number of matches is limited due to finals.
It is your own responsibility to ensure that we have received correct contact information provided to those designated within the organization.
Age: You must be 16 years of age.
Classification: You must be an authorized and approved referee by your federation.
Status: You must have passed the established requirements regarding running tests and regulatory tests for 2023.
Experience: You should have a few years of experience refereeing basketball.
If you are a beginner referee, you will receive a special invitation so that you also have the opportunity to participate.
Referee meeting: You must attend all the Göteborg Basketball Festival's mandatory referee meetings. More info will come later.

Göteborg Basketball Festival PSEA Code of Conduct Commitment for Referees
Your status as guest at the festival starts at the airport when arriving to the festival as a referee and concludes when you leave the festival at the airport. All time in between you are expected to abide by this PSEA Code of Conduct or face exclusion out of Göteborg Basketball Festival at your own expense (including accommodation and transportation) and face possible criminal penalties in accordance with Swedish law.
Göteborg Basketball Festival commits to aid any criminal investigation against you for any potential wrongdoing as we expect impeccable moral standards for every single referee taking part in the Göteborg Basketball Festival.
As a referee I commit to the following while being a guest of Göteborg Basketball Festival:
- I understand that I as a referee have been entrusted with a position of authority and it is unacceptable to make anyone feel unsafe, objectified, sexually harassed, belittled, or not respected while attending Göteborg Basketball Festival. This applies to all behavior on and off the court.
- If I see a referee and/or other guest of Göteborg Basketball Festival behave incorrectly it is my duty to report it immediately, including if it is a fellow referee.
- I understand that Göteborg Basketball Festival welcomes all genders, gender identities/expressions, sexual orientations, ages, ethnicities, religions, and individuals living with disability under the Swedish Discrimination Act[1].
- All referees at Göteborg Basketball Festival are representatives of our organization and reputation. Göteborg Basketball Festival will not accept any sort of sexual exploitation or abuse from a referee towards another guest at a festival.
- I, as a referee, am held to a higher standard of conduct than other guests due to my authority position. I am the custodian of trust during games, and I am aware that the players are expecting me to facilitate and provide service in a respectful manner.
- If I ever find myself unsure in a situation and/or do not know what is culturally appropriate in Sweden I will consult management before I act. The excuse of “I did not know” will never be acceptable once a wrongdoing has been committed. I understand that it is my responsibility as a referee to actively seek guidance when unsure of what is culturally appropriate.
- I receive payment for my services on court but understand that I am considered a referee for the full duration of Göteborg Basketball Festival, regardless of if I am on or off the court. Hence, I will always conduct myself in a respectful manner and in accordance with my personal commitment to this Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Code of Conduct.

Bestätigung zur vertraulichen Behandlung Ihrer Daten

Wenn für den Turnierablauf erforderlich, darf die Turnierleitung meinen Namen veröffentlichen, beispielsweise zwecks Kontakt bei der Schiedsrichterauswahl oder in der Spielübersicht des Turnierspielplan

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